May the candle of knowledge guide our ship to achievement
— Phi Chi Theta Motto
Be it known that the mission of Phi Chi Theta, a national professional fraternity, is to: Provide an opportunity to develop and practice those professional leadership skills and abilities necessary to succeed in the business community; Provide a local and national network to share resources, ideas and concepts; Instill in its membership those values, codes and creeds which will enable participation in a rapidly changing world; and Enable members to develop the business astuteness necessary to achieve high esteem and success in their chosen fields.
To promote the cause of higher business education and training for all individuals, to foster high ideals for everyone pursuing a career in business; to encourage fraternity and cooperation among people preparing for such careers; and to stimulate the spirit of sacrifice and unselfish devotion to the attainment of such ends.
Our Core Values
Brotherhood is important in creating a strong foundation for this chapter. Our goal is to have a community that supports and guides each other through their development as a person and a professional.
We serve each other, our school, and the greater San Diego Community. Our chapter emphasizes philanthropy work to form a cohort of well-rounded and compassionate business leaders.
Leadership is essential to our chapter to maximize efficiency, organization, and communication. Phi Chi Theta teaches the skills necessary to be a great leader while providing opportunities to implement the skills through various leadership positions.
Our chapter promotes lifelong learning; we recognize the importance of education in becoming a successful leader and in creating career-ready individuals. We encourage our members to take advantage of the opportunities provided for them in Phi Chi Theta.
We emphasize diversity of ideas, experiences, and people. Our chapter strives to create an inclusive, welcoming environment where all individuals can succeed, learn from each other, and find a community on campus.